Optimation celebrates 20 years!
Recently, Optimation gathered in Gothenburg to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Think what time goes by! That it is 20 years since all eight founders started the company after a decision to close down the department they then worked at. The founders then saw a great potential in the industrial activities and in the skills gathered at the department over the years and therefore decided to continue under their own auspices, and create a company that they themselves wanted to work for. Today we are close to 30 employees and the fantastic journey is still going on.
We celebrated our 20th anniversary with interesting lectures, conferences, a boat trip in the archipelago and a gala dinner in Gothenburg where we have our newest office.
On October 6, we will pay further attention to our 20th anniversary by running a Webinar with exciting lectures for our customers, partners and friends. So feel free to reserve this afternoon in your calendar right now. Invitation and more info coming in August / September.