DUR – Tuning tool

Optimation offers DUR, which is a robust and proven tool to make tuning of regulator circuits easier. An excellent way to increase efficiency and profitability. DUR supports a methodical way of working. In DUR, all data from existing systems and tunings is collected. DUR makes both tuning work as well as documentation and follow-up more efficient.

Why tune control circuits?

Properly tuned controllers, gives conditions for running your facility closer to maximum capacity, without compromising on availability. Well-functioning control loops are also a prerequisite for reducing variations and for succeeding with superior regulations. overlying control strategies.​

All facilities have a functioning organization for equipment maintenance. Very few have a functioning organization or working method to maintain the thousands of controllers. Research* shows that  industry it has.​

• Up to 30% such incorrect tunings /default parameters that they introduce interference into the circuit they intend to regulate (it would simply be better to remove the controller)

• Up to 30% of control circuits malfunction due to equipment/measurement issues (partial overlap with above point)​

• And up to 50 %of control circuits are operated in manual mode, even though a properly tuned controller  would improve circuit performance​

*In 1993, a review of a large proportion of control circuits was carried out (David B. Ender et al. 1993.) and the problem discovered in the industry remains (Berner, J. et al. 2018)​


DUR is the hub of the optimization work and can be connected to the control system to retrieve process data. The user accesses DUR and its information via a web interface, which means that no special user software is needed.

DUR makes suggestions for controller tuning through automatic calculation of PID parameters from the identified process characteristics. DUR is transparent and gives production managers traceability through individual authorization for each user.

All measurement data and optimizations are saved together in DUR. In DUR, all actions and previous settings are traceable and valuable time can be saved, for example in situations where controller settings must be quickly reset. For each trim made in DUR, it is possible to auto-generate reports.

DUR is available in Swedish, English, Spanish.


DUR has been installed by several major players in industry, the latest iteration has a restrictive security solution developed at NASA, which is very robust and secure.

DUR is offered as a stand-alone installation at customers’ facilities or access can be given to a customer-separated department in Optimation’s cloud service for DUR (DURLLA).


DUR can be connected to your control system, both via OPC-DA and OPC-UA. DUR is also available as an application for ABB 800xA.



We would be happy to meet with you to agree how DUR can support you in your optimization work. Contact us to book a DEMO. You can reach us via email and phone, see below.

Lars Leopold Weingarten

073-020 95 06
