COCOP – Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Industrial Processes

04 October 2017

Optimation has been successfully participaiting in the EU project COCOP since 2016. The process industry needs to increase quality, reduce costs and environmental impact as the demants increase from outside world.Complex industrial processes that have both continuous and batch processes requires to a greater extent control and follow-up from an “entire plant perspective”.
COCOP is an EU project where the vision is that complex industrial processes are managed optimally by operators with guidance of the COCOP system (decision support). Decision supportmonitors the entire plant in real time and attempts to control the process, from an overall perspective, efficient with regard to economy and climate. COCOP will also show the benefit of understanding the entire plant in order to make the operators make better decisions within their own work area.

The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the European process industry by controlling and monitoring the entire facility using model-based predictive optimization with a solution that can be integrated into existing control systems. In this overall control, real-time key figures will be developed wich, if possible ,will be directly feed back via the control system.

The project will demonstrate the benefits in two pilot projects within the steel and copper industries, as well as demonstrating the transferability to other sectors such as chemical and water facilities.


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